Get Fit with Foster Farms
Sometimes just a few simple words of advice can make all the difference. We hope the tips below help make healthy eating an easy and familiar routine.

Tips for Weight Loss

Feeling hungry within an hour after a meal? Try adding a good source of protein to every meal or snack. Protein delays gastric emptying and keeps you feeling fuller longer.

Simple substitutions made on a daily basis can add up to big losses of weight over time. For example, substituting 3 ounces of fresh Foster Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast for 3 ounces of lean red meat on a daily basis can result in a loss of ten pounds in a year!

Use a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese instead of butter for flavoring vegetables, like broccoli. Substituting a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese for an equal amount of butter on a daily basis can result in a seven-pound weight loss per year.

Ounce for ounce, the boneless, skinless breast of a Foster Farms fresh chicken has nearly one-half fewer calories and one-fifth the amount of total fat than lean beef.

Need a reason to remove the skin from chicken? The skin of an entire chicken has 1200 calories; the entire naked, shivering chicken has 800 calories.

Baked potatoes are a good choice for dinner because they are already portion-controlled and are filling. Most people find it more difficult to control their servings when faced with either rice or pasta.

Substituting one tablespoon of sour cream for one tablespoon of butter on a daily basis can result in an eight-pound weight loss in a year.

Take your time eating. When eating a meal, it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to "tell" your brain that you're full.

Pick out foods that require a lot of chewing. Bagels, French rolls and fresh fruit help slow down your rate of eating and help you feel more satisfied.

It takes two to three oranges to make a glass of orange juice. Which would be more filling? One cup of juice or three oranges?

Eat a snack right before or after leaving work if you're the type of person who tends to nibble while cooking dinner. It's much easier to engage in healthier habits and choose healthier foods if you're not hungry. This same trick works before eating in a restaurant or at a party. Remember, hungry people make poor decisions about what to eat.

Soups are "volumetric"...They help you feel fuller with fewer calories.

Broiled Foster Farms chicken wings marinated in teriyaki sauce make a terrific appetizer and leftovers can be brought to work for a fabulous lunch.

Tips for Lowering Cholesterol Levels

A one percent drop in cholesterol lowers your risk of heart disease by two percent, so a 15-point drop in your cholesterol lowers your risk by a whooping 30 percent!

Lowering your saturated fat intake lowers your cholesterol levels. Substituting a three-ounce serving of fresh Foster Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast for an equal amount of red meat cuts your saturated fat intake by 4.5 grams.

Keep Foster Farms fully cooked chicken strips on hand for meals that can be made in a snap. Add them to ready–made Caesar salads, pasta dishes, soups and stir-fries for streamlined dinner meals.

Increasing your intake of soluble fibers, like oatmeal, beans, apples, pears and oranges can help to lower your cholesterol by 10% to 15%.

Order a baked potato instead of rice or pasta as a side dish. Ask for sour cream, instead of butter, on the side. A tablespoon of butter has 11 grams of fat (7 grams are saturated) and sour cream has 2.5 grams of fat (1.4 grams are saturated).

Egg substitutes are simply egg whites with yellow food coloring; skip the expense and use two egg whites for every whole egg.

Use evaporated skim milk for cream in your coffee or recipes.

Some fats can help lower your cholesterol: olives, avocado and walnuts are good sources of monounsaturated fats. However, be careful of your serving size. A gram of fat has nine calories and large portions of these foods can add extra calories to your diet.

Tips for Improving Overall Diet And Lowering Cancer Risk

Adding five to ten serving of fruits and vegetables to your diet each day can lower your risk of cancer by twenty percent. A healthier diet combined with exercise and weight control drops the risk by 30–40 percent.

Do five to ten servings of fruits and vegetables sound like a lot? Take a look at your fist. It is roughly the size of two servings for women and three serving for men.

Trying to increase your fruit and vegetable intake? Think shish kebobs! String fresh Foster Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Tenders on skewers with red and green peppers, onions and fresh pineapple. Broil or throw on the grill for a terrific low fat meal.

Salsas not only bring flavor, taste and variety to grilled chicken breasts, they also can add more fresh fruits and vegetables to one's daily diet. Try mixing chopped tomatoes, pineapple, green onions, cilantro and lime juice for different, flavorful and nutritious additions to any dinner meal.

Getting tired of plain, old sandwiches? Whole grain pita bread, tortillas, English muffins and bagels add variety to your meals. Whole grains contribute folic acid, zinc and magnesium to your diet. All these nutrients are important in building strong muscles, skin and hair.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! It cranks up your metabolism so you burn more calories and helps prevent indulgences from the pastry tray during morning meetings.

Whole grains, like oatmeal or whole-wheat toast, provide slow-released carbohydrates that sustain energy levels and prevent hunger from low blood sugar an hour after eating.

Choose cereals that have 3 to 4 grams of fiber and less than 6 grams of sugar per serving.