No Bake Pizza Appetizer
This is a pizza bread crust slathered with spinach dip and covered with scrumptious toppings: broccoli, chicken or turkey, green onions, and tomato.
Prep Time: approx.
5 Minutes. Cook Time: approx. Minutes. Ready in: approx. 5 minutes .
Makes 8 servings.
Printed from fosterfarmsandnewmansown.net
1 cup Foster Farms Breast Tenders, cooked and cubed
1 cup prepared spinach dip
1 (10 ounce) package prepared pizza crust
1 cup choppped broccoli
1/3 cup chopped green onions
1 tomato, seeded and chopped
1. Spread spinach dip evenly over the pizza crust to within 1/2 inch of the edge. Top with broccoli, chicken, green onions and tomato. Cut into wedges to serve.