Here’s how much people spend on food each month. With some of our savings tips, your monthly grocery total could be much smaller!

An average single spends
An average family of two spends

An average family of four with children under 5 spends

An average family of four with children over 5 years old spends

Source: USDA



Like you, we value our time with our friends and family more than anything. Re-energize your body and mind by making mealtime a chance to catch up, help out, and relax.


Sunday Soup Night – No doubt you have people in your life that could use a little comfort. Gather friends and family for a weekly or monthly soup night. Rotate who brings which part of the meal (salad, soup, bread) from week to week and trade recipes as you go. Might we suggest our Guinness Turkey Stew, Tortilla Soup or a steaming bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup to start you off?

Simple & Healthy - Often, healthy foods are less time intensive than unhealthy meals. A grilled chicken salad is easier to throw together than fried chicken and takes less than 15 minutes to prepare. Explore our web site for quick, healthy recipes, including our delicious 15-Minute Meals.

Make it Festive – Select one night of the week for a festive favorite meal to cut down on your meal planning. Try Taco Tuesdays or Wednesday Wings nights for a tasty meal you and your family can count on. Try our Hawaiian Chicken Wings or our Turkey Tacos!

Stay In and Save -- Add one more home cooked dinner to your family’s routine a week and save $60 per week or $3,000 per year! If you crave a certain restaurant for the ethnic cuisine, find a copycat recipe online and tailor it to your family’s taste. Save nights out for special occasions or for special deals.

Enlist Help – Make clearing the table a family activity to cut down on your time and stress. For fun, put on some music and see how much you can all get done before the end of a song or two.

Short on hands? Involve your family or guests to make food prep time less isolating. Little ones can tear lettuce leaves for a salad and toss with dressing or set the table. Adults can pour drinks and play sous chef.